Just like countless other industries, law firms have also been heavily impacted by the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19. But to ensure the safety of both our team and our clients, Fine & Hatfield is committed to observing and maintaining compliance with the health and safety guidelines being handed down by our Federal, State, and local authorities. In doing so, we are also exploring and taking advantage of new ways to meet the needs of our clients during these uncertain times.
One such way we are aiming to accommodate the “stay-at-home” order is by offering our clients the ability to sign and execute Last Wills and Testaments and other Estate Planning documents from the comfort of their own home. Under normal circumstances, the signing of a Last Will and Testament must be made in the physical presence of two (2) witnesses. However, on March 31, 2020 the Indiana Supreme Court, recognizing the difficulties posed by the “stay-at-home” order and the requests from health officials to maintain social distancing, issued an Order allowing for a Last Will and Testament to be witnessed remotely using certain types of simultaneous audio-video communication technology. Put simply, this Order permits you to sign your Will without leaving your living room and risking exposure to COVID-19.
To ensure our clients could take advantage of this opportunity during these unprecedented times, Fine & Hatfield is now offering remote signing and witnessing of Last Wills and Testaments and other Estate Planning documents in compliance with the Indiana Supreme Court’s Order. Utilizing heavily vetted and secured remote witnessing software, Fine & Hatfield will walk you through the steps of electronically signing your Estate Plan from the comfort of your own home, while we remotely witness from our office in downtown Evansville.
If you are interested in learning more about how Fine & Hatfield can offer re

mote signing and witnessing of your Will and other Estate Planning documents, please call and ask for Lindsey at (812) 425-3592 to arrange a meeting or phone call with one of our estate planning attorneys.