Divorce & Family Law
For most families and individuals, family law and domestic relations problems can be very difficult issues, both financially and emotionally. Fine & Hatfield’s attorneys will put years of experience, negotiating skills, and creativity to assist our domestic relations and family law clients in all stages of potential and ongoing litigation. Fine & Hatfield’s attorneys strive to assist clients in coming to an amicable solution to any family law problem but are also prepared to vigorously protect clients’ assets, income, businesses, and family, by aggressively litigating domestic relations cases from beginning to end, including pre-filing counseling, mediation, trial, and appeal.

Family Law Services Include:
Child Custody
Child Support Establishment/Modification
Legal Separation
Parenting Time Establishment/Modification
Parent Relocation
Paternity Actions
Prenuptial Agreements
Postnuptial Agreements
Qualified Domestic Relations Orders